Release Notes
TOTP authenticator for Java ME enabled devices. It’s an implementation of the RFC 6238 (TOTP: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm).
- Issue#21 Added a confirmation screen for profile removing
- Issue#22 Profiles sorted alphabetically in the list
- Issue#20 allow shorter or longer keys to be used
- Issue#19 profiles handling code improved
- Issue#17 wrong constant used for reading month value when creating a profile
- Issue#16 fixed profiles removing
- Issue#4 support for multiple profiles/accounts
- Issue#10 support for MIDP-1.0 devices
- Issue#12 this Release notes added
- Issue#13 Include a baseDirectory in the released files
- Issue#9 fix configuration loading introduced in 1.1
- Issue#11 display application version in the title of the main screen
1.1 (contains bug in configuration reading!!!)
- Issue#1 token validity count down progress bar (Gauge) on the main screen
- Issue#2 configurable parameter for time adjustment/correction
- Issue#7 optimization of token generation
The first release of the totp-me authenticator (uses MIDP-2.0/CLDC-1.1 profile). It supports following configurable parameters:
- secret key
- digest algorithms: SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512
- number of token digits
- time step
It also contains a key generator and validation of provided configuration.